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5th Class Showcase at Microsoft Dreamspace

13th Jun 2024

On Monday, 5th class took a trip to Microsoft HQ in Dublin to display the projects we had been working on for the last 6 weeks. We travelled there on a bus and when we got there, we set up all our projects. There were four projects. Each one was based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. One of the group’s projects was about floods, another was based on the temperature of a chick’s heat lamp, another was about beluga whales, and the last one was about checking the moisture of soil. After that we sat down and listened to a speech which explained what we would be doing. First, we went to the games room, and we played games like Minecraft and Mario cart, there was also ping –pong, Just Dance and lots of cool board games. 

After the games, we went back to our tables and presented our projects to the judges. Then after we presented our projects, we went and got food, they were serving pizza, chips, goujons and chicken wings, and they also gave us drinks. After food, we went to meet some software engineers, their names  were Bernadette and Fin. Fin told us that he used to work for PlayStation, and he now works for Xbox. Bernadette was also saying that she works for a company called Havok. She showed us Meta Quest 3, the Apple Vision Pro, and she also showed us Microsoft HoloLens. It is used to solve business problems.  

After that, we headed back to the stage as the workers announced the winners of all the awards. Unfortunately, we didn’t win anything, but we still had a wonderful experience. It was great fun, and we really enjoyed the day out!  

June 11th, 2024 

By Amber and Isabel (5th Class).