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Scoil Cholmcille, Skryne, Co. Meath

Re-Turn Ireland Scheme Launches- Bring it Back-Pay it Forward!

2nd Feb 2024
The Green Committee have been busy giving a power point presentation to all the classes in the school this week to inform them about the new scheme to return cans and bottles to reverse vending machines and claim your money back. We are encouraging all of our pupils, staff and parents to embrace this new initiative for a cleaner environment and more money in your pocket. 
Please have a look at the wonderful and very informative power point put together by Aisling and Aoife and also at the posters designed and hung up by Ella, Clara and Clodagh. 
Here is a blurb written by Patrick briefly explaining the scheme. For more information look under the Greenschools tag on this website.

From February 1st the likes of cans and bottles marked with the re-turn logo will be eligible for the recycling scheme. 
When you return your empty and undamaged drink container you will receive a small deposit from the machine in the form of a receipt which can be used as a voucher or cashed in at the shop where you returned the recyclables. You can bring your containers to any machine but the receipt is only valid at the shop where you returned them. 
These containers will be responsibly recycled. You will get a 15c deposit back on containers from 150ml to 500ml and 25c on containers over 500ml and up to 3 litres. It all adds up so why not get your money back. 
Bring it Back-Pay it forward