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The Birth of the Universe by Freya (Rang 4)

13th Sep 2023


The universe started fourteen billion years ago. It was about the size of a dot. Then, gases came. They started separating into clouds and slowly inside those clouds rocks started to form. While this was happening, the universe was growing. Next the rocks started to fly around and crash into each other, eventually forming planets. Then the sun comes in, but the planets are still flying around. They aren’t orbiting it. Most of the planets flew by the sun into the now giant space but some planets were going at just the right speed to do a perfect orbit around the sun. Earth was one of those planets. Then clouds formed and Earth was nearly flooded, but little pieces of land remained (these are countries). Then bacteria came and evolved into fish which evolved slowly into amphibians which evolved into reptiles. And then eventually, they evolved into monkeys which evolved into humans.