Access Keys:

Scoil Cholmcille, Skryne, Co. Meath

Welcome Back!

28th Aug 2024

A new school year is upon us and a warm welcome back to our pupils, staff and parents. We hope everybody has had a wonderful Summer and we are looking forward to seeing all the smiling faces and hearing all about your adventures during the holidays. This morning, the school has been a hive of activity and chattering voices as children catch up with their friends and meet their new teachers.

A special Scoil Cholmcille welcome to our incoming Junior Infants. We hope that this will be the start of a happy and fulfilling eight years with us. We are also welcoming new pupils in other classes from various locations. Welcome all! Céad míle fáilte to our new members of staff Ms. Lynch and Ms. Donaghy – we hope they enjoy their time with us. We are also delighted to have Ms. Dowling back with us after a couple of years away.

Our hardworking teachers have been busy preparing for the return to school over the last few days. As ever, our wonderful parent group have done a brilliant job on making our school look clean and shiny for reopening – we are very grateful for their hard work over the last few days. Thanks also to Seamus for his work inside and out. A special thank you to our fantastic Parents Association for their work in organising, books, uniforms and refreshments for new parents on our return to school. Scoil Cholmcille is truly a community effort.

Wishing everyone a happy and successful school year ahead.