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Scoil Cholmcille, Skryne, Co. Meath

Welcome back!

28th Aug 2023

A warm welcome back to a new school year! A special welcome to our new look website! We hope you find it a useful resource to find information and news about Scoil Cholmcille. We look forward to populating it as time goes by with lots of good news, photos and the various achievements of our wonderful pupils here in Skryne. A special word of thanks to Mr. Kieran Fanning, our ICT coordinator, who played a huge part in creating this website. Thanks also to Sarah Chapman and our Parents Association for their invaluable help. The blogsite is still available to view and you will find a link for it on the landing page.

And so September is almost here and another school year is about to begin. We hope everybody has had a wonderful Summer and we are looking forward to seeing all the smiling faces and hearing all about your adventures during the holidays. A huge cead míle fáilte to our incoming Junior Infants. We hope that this will be the start of a happy and fulfilling eight years with us. We are also welcoming new pupils in other classes - some who are returning after a little time away. Welcome all! 

Our hardworking teachers have been busy preparing for the return to school over the last few days. As you walk in on Wednesday, you will see evidence of a lot of hard work preparing the school grounds. A huge thank you to this parent group who toiled last weekend to get the place looking spick and span. Thanks also to Seamus for his work inside and out. You will also notice shiny new school books, sharp new uniforms and refreshments for our new parents - a special thank you to our fantastic Parents Association for their work in organising all of this. We are very proud of our entire school community here in Skryne where so many people contribute to make our school the special place it is. 

We will see you all bright and early on Wednesday morning. Here's to a happy and successful school year ahead!