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Scoil Cholmcille, Skryne, Co. Meath

News Nuacht

2023/2024 School Year

25th Jun 2024
Check out this Minecraft Viking Longship made by Danny R
25th Jun 2024
25th Jun 2024
Rang 4 make and play their own Viking board game called Hnefatafl
25th Jun 2024
Dear Parent/Guardian, The Parents’ Association, in conjunction with the...
21st Jun 2024
We have enjoyed a jam packed week or so in Junior Infants starting last week with...
19th Jun 2024
18th Jun 2024
As part of their transition to secondary school programme, 6th Class received a...
13th Jun 2024
On Monday, 5 th class took a trip to Microsoft HQ in Dublin to display the projects...
13th Jun 2024
Last Tuesday, our athletics team travelled to Claremont Stadium to participate in...
12th Jun 2024
The Chapmans won 'Most Innovative Project' at this year's Microsoft Dream Space showcase...