Access Keys:

Scoil Cholmcille, Skryne, Co. Meath

Mission Statement

Here at Scoil Cholmcille, we promote a cooperative partnership among students, staff, parents and community.

Our statement “DREAM, BELIEVE, ACHIEVE” reflects our understanding and beliefs. We aim to ensure that the children attending Scoil Cholmcille are provided with high-quality learning experiences in a happy, welcoming, safe and inclusive learning environment based on a broad and balanced curriculum allowing them to graduate from here as young people ready to make a real contribution to society. This environment allows our pupils to develop to their fullest potential -academically, socially, emotionally, physically, morally, spiritually and aesthetically,

We believe that our staff; teachers, special needs assistants, ancillary staff, are the best resource we have in order to deliver the best possible education to our students, and we encourage a caring and collegial approach, where every staff member is cared for and is treated as an equal. We believe that staff members have an enormous role to play in modelling behaviour to our students and in modelling a calm, professional, caring approach to each other, and to the entire school community.

We encourage staff to take part in life-long learning and, we encourage individual staff members, and the staff as a collegiate body, to be reflective practitioners. We work in partnership with parents and the community in an atmosphere of mutual trust. We encourage parents to be partners with us in the life of the school. We provide a welcoming atmosphere to parents and to the wider school community.