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Scoil Cholmcille, Skryne, Co. Meath

PA School Projects

Your Voluntary Contribution allows us to help our children through improving their facilities and opportunities, both educationally and socially, for all current and future pupils.  It has helped co-fund various initiatives: -

  • Various IT projects and improvements e.g. interactive whiteboards in all classrooms
  • Internet safety education for children and parents
  • Improvements to the school yard and grounds e.g. playing field, school gates, yard markings

The Voluntary Contribution also provides financial support for some of our children’s big days within the school calendar year e.g. Confirmation, First Holy Communion, Halloween and Sports Day and help with ongoing learning support materials such as books and equipment.  

This year the Voluntary Contribution has co-funded or funded the following initiatives:

  • Occupational Therapy Room
  • Sensory Room
  • Yard Benches 

We hope, from reading this, you will get an appreciation of the vital role the Voluntary Contribution plays in our children’s education.  Yes, it is voluntary, but each and every child in the school benefits.  We always encourage parental input and funding initiatives are discussed and agreed in our Monthly PA meetings. Everyone is very welcome!