Skryne Parents' Association order School Uniforms directly with our supplier therefore making cost savings for you with the added convenience of not having to go into a shop to order.
Items available are Crested School Tracksuits, Crested School Tracksuit Tops, Grey Tracksuit Bottoms, Grey Tracksuit Shorts and Crested Polo Shirts*
The Parents' Association ordering system for 2024/2025 is now closed.
If you are a new parent to the school or need to purchase additional uniform items please contact skrynepa@gmail.com as we have limited stock for sale/exchange.
*You can also supplement your Uniform order with additional items from stores e.g. Dunnes and M&S etc. stock plain white polo shirts and plain light grey jogger trousers and jogger shorts. Girls can also wear a grey pinafore, burgundy cardigan and an open necked white shirt on non PE/Sports days.